Everybody Reads at Our House Lyrics

Papa’s got a recipe he’s making for our family
So much garlic, so much thyme
But not so much hot sauce this time
Everybody’s reading about what we’re gonna’ be eating
Feed your mind, feed your mouth
Everybody reads at our house

Grandma’s got the atlas down
She’s gonna’ travel out of town
She’s gonna’ take a world wide trip
By balloon and sailing ship
Everybody’s reading about Africa and Sweden
Travel north, travel south
Everybody reads at our house

Little Callie’s only 3
But still she know her ABCs
Starts on Q ends on B
Reads to you and reads to me
Everybody’s reading, some are slow and some are speeding
Even if you’re starting out
Everybody reads at our house

We’ve got miles and piles of books upon our shelves
We read out loud and read to ourselves
Together or alone, whenever we’re at home
We’re even seen with a magazine
Reading on the throne
Everybody’s reading, everyone succeeding
No matter what your book’s about
Everybody reads at our house

Jeffery’s got a special book
But he does not take a look
watch his hands wave and sail
He’ll read that book to you in braille
Everybody’s reading, everyone succeeding
We can always work it out
Everybody reads at our house

© Stuart Stotts and Tom Pease