One Word At a Time Lyrics

One word at a time.
One word at a time.
One word at a time.
One word at a time.
Short words, long words, words that rhyme.
Learning how to read one word at a time.

First we sound it out, to learn what it’s about.
A picture gives us clues, to help us spread the news.
We have to use our brains,
’cause all words aren’t the same…


We learn words by sight,
when we read and write.
We take home books at night.
We’re thinking that we might,
read them with flashlights.
It makes us feel all right!…


We learn our ABCs.
They give us the keys
to open up the door to learning more and more.
And if the words get long,
we’ll just sing this song…


(Extra verse, not on tape)
C.A.T. spells cat. R.A.T. spells rat.
B.A.T. spells bat. M.A.T. spells mat.
H.A.T. spells hat. What do you think of that?..Chorus

© Stuart Stotts and Tom Pease, 1999