When I ask, “what do you want for breakfast?”
I say, “Hey, boys, what do want for breakfast?’
They say, “Hey, Papa, for goodness sake,
You know we love your old pancakes”
Pancakes, Pancakes for breakfast
Pancakes, Pancakes for breakfast
Pancakes, Pancakes for breakfast
Pancakes for you, pancakes for me
I wanna’ hear you holler “ooee!”
Pancakes, Pancakes for breakfast
We take milk from the cow, eggs from the chicken
Flour from the wheat, stove in the kitchen
Mix ‘em all up, pour ‘em on the griddle
Sit right back and listen to the fiddle
Turn ‘em too soon, gotta’ turn ‘em right back
We sure do love those flappity-jacks
Pancakes, Pancakes for breakfast
Flip em up high, spin right around
Do a little dance ‘til they come back down
Jump and dive, catch ’em on the plate
Look out Mama, you ducked too late
© Tom Pease 1991 ASCAP